CMS Drivetrain Monitoring & Diagnostics

Take a deeper dive into tech-enabled drivetrain O&M excellence.

We are your independent and trusted advisor for drivetrain O&M.

Making condition monitoring scalable for the future.

Our team applies innovative approaches and technologies that help wind farm owner-operators effectively manage their drivetrain O&M so they can properly identify, mitigate and monitor the drivetrain risks most impactful to their operations. We offer Horizon CMS, a software product for advanced teams of condition monitoring engineers, as well as a team of SkySpecs diagnostic engineers that you can leverage to extend your team’s capacity.

Download the brochure to learn more about:

  • Actionable O&M advice and interactive reporting delivered through our user-friendly monitoring dashboard

  • We will take care of alarm setup and connecting your data streams to Horizon CMS

  • Unify vibration sensor hardware brands across multi-brand fleets