Feel Confident in Your O&M Blade Strategy
SkySpecs Blade Services offers the benefits of a fully-staffed, scalable blade management program by acting as an extension of your team. We will simplify, centralize, and tailor your data to reduce errors and give you a clear action plan based on the health of your blade fleet.
Our Blade Management Service Offering
SkySpecs’ Blade Services provides a source of insights from our team of wind industry experts. We leverage our inspection data, asset health management software, and advisory services to provide you with data-driven decisions. Our insights fill the gap between your existing resources and the timely decisions you need.
Inspection strategy
Damage review and repair prioritization
Repair planning and campaign management
Budgeting and planning
We Are Your Trusted Partner for Blade Management
When you partner with our Blade Services team, we help your organization consolidate, optimize, and analyze your data so you feel confident in your blade O&M strategy and your ability to reduce potential failures and turbine downtime. Get all of the benefits of an on-demand, scalable blade management program, without the typical headcount and cost.
More resources without additional headcount
Many teams don’t have the internal resources needed to properly analyze and compare year-over-year inspection data, prioritize and scope repair needs, and manage repairs. Blade Services takes that off your shoulders
Reduced risk through predictable planning
Blade Services bundles several critical services into one set price, making budgeting and planning more predictable and less risky
Future proof
The wind industry is ever-changing, and we are too. Feel confident you are benefiting from the latest insights based on our wealth of data, industry knowledge, and access to the latest tools and technology as they become available
Our Industry-Leading Technology
We offer the services you need to scale your team, whether you are under FSAs, self-perform, or hybrid models. We will ensure that you are set up for success whether we use our Horizon Blade Asset Management platform on your behalf, or your team uses it independently. We are dedicated to supporting your blade management program at every step.
All inspection data in one place
Standardized, centralized data sets provide a clear picture of the health and risk status of your fleets
Damage Propagation
Visualize and quantify damage propagation year-over-year to help predict the right repairs at the right time
Repair campaigns and work orders
Centralized data allows damage repair prioritization. Manage and track your repair campaigns and vendor progress in one platform.