Uptime Podcast with Allen Hall talks to SkySpecs’ CEO Danny Ellis



Danny Ellis Uptime Podcast

“We like to view Horizon as a complete health record of the blade. It’s not just what’s wrong today, but what’s been damaged over time? What repairs have been made and how did they hold up? Did we make a good decision? All of that data is in one central location.” ~Danny Ellis


SkySpecs’ CEO, Danny Ellis, recently sat down with Allen Hall, creator of Uptime, a wind energy podcast focused on improving the efficiency of wind turbines and renewable energy. 

In this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • SkySpecs’ vision of a fully automated wind farm and how we are using data and technology to streamline operations and maintenance for the wind energy industry;
  • Why our fully automated blade inspections and asset management software enable customers to better understand their data, spot year-over-year trends, and make more informed decisions about their assets.
Listen to the podcast here.



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